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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Comparison Between the Yellow Wallpaper and Tell-Tale Hearts Free Essays
Jaime Macias Professor Whalen English 1B 22 October 2012 Critical Thinking Log 2: Short Story #2 Madness inside the human mind goes hand and hand when the names Edgar Allen Poe and Charlotte Perkins Gilman are spoken. The narratives â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart,†by Edgar Allen Poe and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are both prime instances of how nineteenth century creators incited the thoughts of distrustfulness and mental weakening inside upset storytellers. These disarranges can be contrasted in reference with when each character makes its revelation, the similitudes can be drawn from finding these correlations in mental state, and afterward contrasts between â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†can be communicated. We will compose a custom paper test on Correlation Between the Yellow Wallpaper and Tell-Tale Hearts or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now In â€Å"Tell-Tale Heart,†Poe’s story through the eyes of an over the top crazy person, this is fundamentally the same as the hero in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†by Gilman. Due to the narrators’ capricious states, it makes it hard to separate between real occasions or from those that happen through the troubled mental condition of every storyteller. Each character finds and comes to induction of their psychological handicap at various time frames stories. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart†has franticness announced at the earliest reference point of the story when the storyteller broadcasts â€Å"†¦I am distraught? The illness had honed my sensesâ€not destroyedâ€not dulled them. †(Poe 81). In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,†Gilman slowly builds up the fixation and the confusion in the narrator’s mental state. The storyteller depicts the house they have moved into for the mid year at the outset as being, â€Å"The most wonderful spot! â€Å"It is very alone, standing great back from the street, very three miles from the town. †(Gilman 88). As the storyteller inspects every last bit of the house, she goes to the backdrop and that’s when the fixation starts. â€Å"I never observed a more terrible paper in my life. †She proceeds by expressing â€Å"One of those rambling, flashy e xamples submitting each aesthetic sin. †(Gilman 89) It is here where she depicts the backdrop with detail and starts her drop into mental erosion. One of the most clear contrasts lies in the composing style of Edgar Allen Poe and Gilman, however a considerable lot of the thoughts hover around comparable themes. Step by step instructions to refer to Comparison Between the Yellow Wallpaper and Tell-Tale Hearts, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysing data production
Examining information creation The procedure of research isn't just about learning and finding, yet in addition about offering these revelations to other people, with the goal that society all in all can profit by the endeavors put in by the person. With regards to complex scholarly ideas, the selection of words for how an idea is portrayed can have any kind of effect to how well it is comprehended by others , particularly while moving between inquire about spaces.  Consequently we utilize similitudes and analogies with regards to portraying complex ideas. Tying an idea (for instance, quantum superposition) to a genuine world â€Å"thing†(for instance, a feline in a crate ) permits individuals new to the first idea to interface it with something they have understanding of, and gives an establishment which can be expounded on. On the off chance that, upon further assessment, it is discovered that the relationship gets extended mind-boggling, at that point that is worthy, as long as those utilizing it don’t basically depend on it as an article of visually impaired confidence. Analogies and representations require basic reasoning. Logical ideas are planned in human language, and in that capacity, are expected to be handled by the human cerebrum (regardless of whether that mind should be exceptionally prepared before it can appropriately get a handle on the ideas being depicted). Logical information, then again, is intended to be machine consumable (just as dominatingly machine delivered). Estimations are regularly not valuable without the setting encompassing them. It is one thing to realize that a specific stream level rose by 10cm. It is just by knowing where this occurred, how high the stream was in the first place, and how high the ascent would need to be at that area to flood the houses worked there, that we can place the information into setting, and make it helpful. However we despite everything need that information. In the event that a mortgage holder who got overflowed wished to guarantee on their protection for flood fixes, having that information and setting accessible methods they’d have evidence that it was waterway flooding that caused the harm, as opposed to a burst pipe. We additionally need to have the exploration information which supports key research discoveries accessible and reasonable, both for reproducibility and to forestall misrepresentation/abuse. Putting forth information usable by others takes attempt and time and is frequently unrewarded by the present framework for increasing scholastic credit. Allegories and Analogies â€Å"No one allegory fulfills enough key information framework characteristics and that various representations need to exist together on the side of a solid information ecosystem†(Parsons Fox, 2013) Information distribution as a similitude has been tended to widely in (Parsons Fox, 2013), prompting the statement above. Be that as it may, before we jump into instances of allegory and relationship in the information space, it is useful to survey what they mean. From (Gentner Jeziorski, 1993): ‘Analogy can he saw as a sort of profoundly particular likeness. In preparing relationship, individuals verifiably center around particular sorts of shared traits and disregard others. Envision a splendid understudy perusing the similarity â€Å"a cell resembles a factory.†She is probably not going to conclude that cells are structures made of block and steel. Rather she may figure that, similar to a plant, a cell takes in assets to keep itself working and to create its items. This attention on normal social reflections is the thing that makes similarity illuminating.’ (Gentner Jeziorski, 1993) p448 This activity of focussing on certain shared characteristics and disregarding others is urgent when utilizing analogies to outline logical ideas. We can deliver a similarity that â€Å"a dataset resembles a book†. Shared characteristics incorporate that both contain data, in an organized and arranged way, which is consumable by a client, and both are the result of continued exertion, conceivably from a wide scope of entertainers. The contrasts between them make it similarly as simple to state â€Å"a dataset isn't care for a book†, in that a dataset can be continually changing; may not be a physical, yet a virtual item; for the most part isn’t intended for people to peruse unassisted ; and frequently a dataset isn’t an independent unit (as it requires additional data and metadata to make it justifiable and usable). Clearly, it is conceivable to drive analogies excessively far, and have them break. This is bound to happen when clients of the similarity don’t have a decent comprehension of every one of the two things being looked at. In the (Gentner Jeziorski, 1993) quote above, if the understudy didn’t have some other idea of what a cell was, she could undoubtedly envision that they were minor structures made of blocks and steel, and the similarity utilized would do nothing to address that confusion. It’s likewise essential to recollect that similarity isn't causation †if two wonders are practically equivalent to, it doesn't suggest that one causes the other. Sorts of analogy and certifiable logical models: Information Publication Information distribution, as a similitude, came to fruition because of the drive for scientists to distribute whatever number fills in as could be expected under the circumstances in however many high effect diaries as could be expected under the circumstances, and the requirement for those associated with making datasets to be given acknowledgment for their work, and their endeavors to make the information findable, available, interoperable and reusable. This brought about strain to press all exploration yields into shapes that look like distributions, henceforth the expansion of the information diary, a spot where specialists can distribute a paper about their dataset, connected by means of perpetual identifier to the dataset itself (put away in a reliable store). The information paper at that point can be refered to and utilized as an intermediary for the dataset when detailing the significance and effect of the researcher’s work. A genuine case of a dataset that has been distributed in an information diary is the Global Broadcast Service (GBS) datasets (Callaghan et al., 2013), estimations from a radio proliferation dataset researching how downpour and mists sway signal levels from a geosynchronous satellite guide at radio frequencies of 20.7 GHz. The information streams connected to the paper, and which the paper portrays in detail, are the aftereffect of an unmistakable, discrete examination, bringing about a very much characterized, discrete and completely finished dataset, which won't change later on. The dataset has experienced two degrees of value affirmation: the first was performed on ingestion into CEDA , where the record groups were normalized and metadata was checked and finished. The second degree of value confirmation was proceeded as a major aspect of the logical companion survey process completed when the information paper and dataset were submitted to the Geoscience Data Journal for audit and distribution. As this dataset is finished, all around archived and quality guaranteed, it very well may be viewed as a five star, reference-capable, logical relic. There are other friend checked on diary articles which utilize the GBS information as the reason for their outcomes, see for instance (Callaghan et al., 2008) . In any case, datasets can be discrete, finished, all around characterized and for all time accessible without the requirement for the intermediary of an information paper, or some other distribution joined to them. This is of specific worth with regards to distributing negative outcomes, or information that don’t bolster the speculation they were gathered to confirm, yet might be valuable for testing different theories. These kinds of datasets are perhaps the nearest thing we have to the â€Å"dataset as a book†relationship, and in this manner are the least demanding to fit into the information distribution form. Lamentably, numerous different datasets don't fit as a fiddle. Numerous datasets are dynamic, and are altered or added to as time advances. At that point there are issues with granularity †a few scientists may just need a subset of a bigger dataset for their work, however need to precisely and forever recognize that subset. Refering to at the degree of all of the subsets brings about reference records that are long and awkward, and can make it hard to track down the subset required in a not insignificant rundown of comparatively named datasets. For content based things, for example, books and articles, instruments exist to look at content starting with one occasion of an article then onto the next, permitting the peruser to be certain that the substance of two cases are the equivalent, paying little mind to the organization they are in (for instance, an article in printed copy in a diary as contrasted and a pdf). We presently don't have a method of assessing the logical equality of datasets paying little heed to their organization. The straightforwardness with which it’s conceivable to alter datasets (and not track the progressions made) additionally implies that it tends to be difficult to tell which dataset is the standard, unique form, or even what the distinctions are. Information distribution can work very well as a representation, yet clients must know that it truly is just pertinent to the subset of datasets which can be made finished, all around archived, all around characterized, discrete and quality controlled. Huge Iron (industrialized information creation) Huge Iron, as characterized in (Parsons Fox, 2013) regularly manages monstrous volumes of information that are generally homogenous and all around characterized however exceptionally powerful and with high throughput. It is an industrialized procedure, depending on huge, refined, all around controlled, specialized foundations, regularly requiring supercomputing focuses, devoted systems, generous spending plans, and concentrated interfaces. A case of this is the information from the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, however in the Earth Sciences, the Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIP) are another. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) normally gives Assessment Reports, specifying the present cutting edge of atmosphere models, and their forecasts for future environmental change. These reports are bolstered by the information from the atmosphere model runs proceeded as a feature of CMIP. Each CMIP is a worldwide joint effort, where atmosphere demonstrating bases on the world run similar trials on their distinctive climat
Sunday, July 26, 2020
An Overview of Heroin Addiction
An Overview of Heroin Addiction July 09, 2019 tuaindeed/iStock/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Heroin Cocaine Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Heroin addiction is a recognized mental disorder and is classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as opioid use disorder, although heroin is just one of several opioids that people can become dependent on. More and more people are becoming addicted to prescription opioid painkillers, and the lines are blurring between these very different groups of drug users. Research shows that compared to users of other illicit drugs, such as cannabis, ?meth, and cocaine, people addicted to heroin may have a tougher time. However, it is not clear from the research whether this is an effect of heroin itself, or whether there are characteristics of the people who get addicted to heroin, or even take it in the first place, that makes them vulnerable to these difficulties. Top 5 Things About Heroin Addiction Heroin users are often portrayed as stereotypical addicts, although some people are able to use heroin without becoming addicted.The official diagnosis for heroin addiction is opioid use disorder, although many people with this diagnosis are actually addicted to painkillers.Methadone is a substitute opioid drug that can be prescribed to people addicted to heroin, including pregnant women who use heroin. Another option is suboxone, which works better for many people on long-term opioid substitution therapy.Harm reduction, including the use of clean needles, is an important part of staying safe.Many heroin users die from accidental overdoses, but it is possible to reverse a heroin overdose if it is caught in time. If You’re Recently Diagnosed With Opioid Use Disorder The following symptoms indicate that youve gone from heroin use to heroin addiction: Frequent, often daily, use of heroin. You may even use heroin several times a day.Tolerance to the effects of heroin. Increasing doses of heroin are needed to be satisfied with its effects. One of the dangers of tolerance to heroin is that when heroin use is decreased, for example, if you are unable to take heroin for a period of time, or if you temporarily quit or cut down, and then you take your previous dose of heroin, you run a much greater risk of overdose because your physical tolerance to the drug has gone down.Continued use despite negative effects on your personal life. You may be running into problems at work or in relationships because of missed obligations, yet you keep using heroin anyway. Withdrawal symptoms. These occur when a person stops or decreases using heroin. Heroin users often refer to this as getting sick, and most accept the unpleasant heroin withdrawal symptoms, such as body aches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, as part of heroin addiction. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step in getting well. Change can take time, and you are encouraged to connect with your doctor or addiction clinic for support. Living With Heroin Addiction Research shows that as heroin users identify more with the role of the heroin addict, marked by social marginalization, personal networks of heroin users, and the heroin using lifestyle, they shift to higher risk-taking, injecting rather than sniffing the drug. Heroin addiction can become central to the lives of heroin users, and it typically has a negative impact on other areas of life, such as family, school, work, or recreational activities. Many heroin addicts are not able to function in the usual sense, and spend their lives focused on obtaining money to buy heroin and taking heroin in a place of secrecy, where they can recover from the effects, which can include vomiting and dozing off or nodding out. A study comparing users of different drugs shows the life patterns of people who take heroin to be much more difficult than those of other drug users, often involving time in and out of jail and multiple failed attempts to quit. However, some people who are addicted to heroin are able to live a double life, in which they are able to hold down a job, have a family, and so on. This double life is typically very stressful and requires an enormous amount of energy and organization, as well as a constant source of money. Heroin: A Love-Hate Relationship Heroin addicts often describe a love-hate relationship with the drug. Typically, it is perceived as the only really effective way of coping with the stress of life and the burden of a history of trauma and emotional and physical pain. Heroin addicts also find the effects of the drug pleasurable, whereas those who try heroin and do not become addicted are put off by the unpleasant effects. The drug is often romanticized in the minds of heroin addicts, but really, it comes down to an artificial and very temporary state of tranquility, which is comforting to users in contrast with the uncomfortable emotional state that occurs during withdrawal. Next Steps to Consider If you havent already, finding a needle exchange is a good first step if you are injecting heroin. Although not intended to provide treatment, needle exchange programs can also be a good place to find out about sympathetic doctors and free clinics. If you or someone you know has progressed from heroin use to heroin addiction, you should seek help as soon as possible. Heroin addiction is well-recognized by the medical profession, and treatment services are available. Although overcoming heroin addiction is a difficult journey, recovery is possible, and a range of treatments are now available to help you to detox, to manage withdrawal symptoms, to prevent relapse, and to help you to get your life back on track. Many people who are unable to quit heroin completely are able to transition to methadone or suboxone to deal with withdrawal and help with harm reduction. Detox is often a good choice if you want to quit heroin, as you will receive medical management to help relieve the unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. However, it is a good idea to line up residential or community-based treatment immediately after detox, as your risk of overdose is very high once the heroin is out of your system, and you face the stresses of life without the buffer of heroin. As with other addictions, quitting can be a long challenge, and you may experience setbacks, relapses, or periods when you dont want to quit. Remember, heroin use is risky, particularly when you dont know what is in heroin. Practice harm reduction, and try to stay open to the possibility of change. One day, you might find you are ready to try methadone maintenance or a different treatment approach. Get Help With the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs A Word From Verywell Heroin addiction is a complex condition, with numerous social, psychological, and physical causes and effects. Despite people with heroin addiction being on the receiving end of some of the worst social stigma, heroin addiction does not make you a bad person, even if you behave in ways you later regret. Many people who have been addicted to heroin have been able to stabilize their lives, often with the help of treatment, and may even go on to help others.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Zack de la Rocha Biography of the Musician
The 1990s music scene was unique in that the two genres that dominated the chartsâ€â€alternative rock and rapâ€â€seemed to have little in common. But that perception would change in 1991 when a Los Angeles Chicano named Zack de la Rocha melded the two art forms together in the rap-rock outfit Rage Against the Machine. Influenced by punk bands such as Minor Threat and militant rap groups such as Public Enemy, de la Rocha delivered angry rhymes about social injustice over heavy metal riffs as front-man of the group. His biography reveals how personal experiences with discrimination led de la Rocha to pen raps that challenged racism and inequality. Early Years Zack de la Rocha was born Jan. 12, 1970, in Long Beach, Calif., to parents Roberto and Olivia. Because his parents parted ways when he was very small, de la Rocha initially split his time between his Mexican-American father, a muralist in the group â€Å"Los Four,†and his German-Irish mother, a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Irvine. After his father began to exhibit signs of mental illness, destroying artwork and praying and fasting nonstop, Zack de la Rocha lived exclusively with his mother in Irvine. In the 1970s the Orange County suburb was nearly all white. Irvine was the polar opposite of Lincoln Heights, the predominantly Mexican-American community of Los Angeles that de la Rocha’s father called home. Because of his Hispanic heritage, de la Rocha felt racially alienated in Orange County. He told ​​​Rolling Stone magazine in 1999 how humiliated he felt when his teacher used the racially offensive term â€Å"wetback†and his classmates erupted in laughter. â€Å"I remember sitting there, about to explode,†he said. â€Å"I realized that I was not of these people. They were not my friends. And I remember internalizing it, how silent I was. I remember how afraid I was to say anything.†From that day forward, de la Rocha vowed never again to remain silent in the face of ignorance. Inside Out After reportedly dabbling in drugs for a spell, de la Rocha became a fixture in the straight-edge punk scene. In high school he formed the band Hard Stance, serving as vocalist and guitarist for the group. After that, de la Rocha launched the band Inside Out in 1988. Signed to the Revelation Records label, the group came out with an EP called No Spiritual Surrender. Despite some industry success, the group’s guitarist decided to leave and Inside Out disbanded in 1991. Rage Against the Machine After Inside Out broke up, de la Rocha began to explore hip-hop, rapping, and break-dancing in clubs. When Harvard-educated guitarist Tom Morello spotted de la Rocha performing a freestyle rap in a club, he approached the budding MC afterward. The two men found that they both espoused radical political ideologies and decided to share their viewpoints with the world through song. In Fall 1991, they formed rap-rock band Rage Against the Machine, named after an Inside Out song. In addition to de la Rocha on vocals and Morello on guitar, the band included Brad Wilk on drums and Tim Commerford, a childhood friend of de la Rocha, on bass. The band soon developed a following in L.A.’s music scene. Just a year after RATM formed, the band released a self-titled album on influential label Epic Records. While promoting the album in 1992, de la Rocha explained to the Los Angeles Times his mission for the group. â€Å"I wanted to think of something metaphorically that would describe my frustrations toward America, toward this capitalist system and how it has enslaved and exploited and created a very unjust situation for a lot of people,†he said. The message resonated with the public. The album went triple platinum. It included references to Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, South African apartheid, a Eurocentric educational curriculum, Fand other social issues. The band’s sophomore album Evil Empire, a reference to a Ronald Reagan speech on the Cold War, touched on de la Rocha’s Hispanic heritage with songs such as â€Å"People of the Sun,†â€Å"Down Rodeo†and â€Å"Without a Face.†Evil Empire also achieved triple platinum status. The band’s last two albums the Battle of Los Angeles (1999) and Renegades (2000), went double platinum and platinum, respectively. Although Rage Against the Machine was undoubtedly one of the most influential bands of the 1990s, de la Rocha decided to leave the band in October 2000. He cited creative differences but stressed that he was pleased with what the band had accomplished.​​​ I am extremely proud of our work, both as activists and musicians, as well as indebted and grateful to every person who has expressed solidarity and shared this incredible experience with us, he said in a statement. A New Chapter Almost seven years after the breakup, Rage Against the Machine fans received some long-awaited news: the band was reuniting. The group performed at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, Calif., in April 2007. The reason for the reunion? The band said it felt compelled to speak out in light of ​Bush administration policies they found intolerable. Since the reunion, the band has yet to release more albums. The members are involved in independent projects. De la Rocha, for one, performs in the group One Day as a Lion with former Mars Volta member Jon Theodore. The band released a self-titled EP in 2008 and performed at Coachella in 2011.​ Musician-activist de la Rocha also launched an organization called Sound Strike in 2010. The organization encourages musicians to boycott Arizona in light of the state’s controversial legislation targeting undocumented immigrants. In a Huffington Post piece, de la Rocha and Salvador Reza said of the strike: â€Å"The human impact of what is happening to immigrants and their families in Arizona calls into question the same moral and ethical imperatives that the civil rights movement did. Are we all equal before the law? To what extent can states and local law enforcement officers engage in human and civil rights violations against an ethnic group that has been completely vilified in the eyes of the white political majority?â€
Friday, May 8, 2020
Racism At The Institute On Race And Poverty - 1344 Words
Jordan Reber Mr. Bergmann Senior English P3 28 August 2015 Racism in America According to the Institute on Race and Poverty (IRP) in 2000 a white individual making the same income annually as any other race has a seventy-eight percent chance of owning a home, and only a twenty-two percent chance of having their credit denied on a loan, however, minorities like Blacks and Hispanics have a significantly lower chance of both. (Lawrence, and Keleher 3). In fact, Blacks with those same specifications only have a forty-eight percent chance to own a home, and an astounding forty-five percent chance to have their credit denied on a loan. Meanwhile, Hispanics have a forty-six percent chance to own a home, and a thirty-percent percent chance of having their credit denied. While this may seem overtly discriminatory with just a glance, one must first delve into what those numbers actually mean, and the details went into creating those numbers, as well as take a peek into the institution that created those numbers before jumping to the conclusion that it is empirically racist. Recently, racism has exploded into the spotlight worldwide, and especially in the United States of America with stories of racially motivated police brutality and a supposed â€Å"race war†taking center stage. All this coming forty-seven years after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sought to end racial tension and racist governmentShow MoreRelatedRace Class Gender 456 Final Exam1311 Words  | 6 PagesL.ADKINS RCG 456 FINAL EXAM L. Adkins Race Class Gender 456 Final Exam Laura Adkins DSU Student â€Æ' L. Adkins Race Class Gender 456 Final Exam 1. Elaborate Noel’s theory on the contact situation of race relations (20 pts). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry Free Essays
The message of gender socialization being imposed upon young children subliminally becomes quite obvious when one observes the Wal-Mart toy department from an unbiased viewpoint. Normally when I venture into the toy department, which is almost always against my will, I’m on a swift mission. Find a toy to reward my 3 year old nephew with after a good week of daycare and get the heck out of there. We will write a custom essay sample on Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, when you’re child free and walking the aisles, you become bombarded with gender driven propaganda. You enter an aisle that might as well say â€Å"For Boys Only†at the entrance. Taking a look around you see cars and trucks packaged in oversized, brightly or dark colored boxes splattered with images of little boys happily playing with the toy all over the box. You pass fire trucks, police cars, race tracks, cowboys, astronauts and construction toys, all clearly portraying them as â€Å"Boys Toys†so vividly all they’re missing is a button one can push that will shout â€Å"This is so not for girls! On a trip to the next aisle over you become overwhelmed by bright pink or pastel boxes, decorated with flower images or sparkly pictures of little girls playing with the toy. You pass Barbie with her plastic blonde hair and plastic blue eyes, next to her obviously less popular brunette friend, Teresa. Clearly this shows little girls what the â€Å"ideal gorgeous woman†should look like. Barbie shows a woman can conquer the world if she’s wearing the r ight outfit. She can be a CEO, flight attendant, lawyer, nurse, doctor, dancer, princess or astronaut and all she has to do is stand still, look pretty, have monstrously oversized breasts, and wear the right clothes. Who really wants their daughter to believe this is the ticket to success? You see the Easy Bake Oven with a big glossy picture of two young girls baking a small desert. You see tea sets and baby dolls and all you come to find is that girls are being subliminally trained they are to be subservient, attractive, domestic and beautiful. They should be demure, domestic, and trained to raise children. I left the toy section a little nauseous. As a child I was given Hot Wheels cars and Barbie’s. I had a black big wheel with flames on it and an Easy Bake Oven. I had an ant farm and a doll house next to each other in my childhood bedroom, and I think I turned out alright. It’s sad to see children’s genders being shoved down their throats by propaganda, especially now that we have male nurses and women in congress; however, pink is for girls and blue is for boys according to the advertising and toy industries, and I doubt that will ever change. How to cite Gender Socialization by the Toy Industry, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Treaty of Vienna 1815 Essay Example
The Treaty of Vienna 1815 Paper While the final hectic scenes of Napoleans escapades were still being played out, far broader issues were being discussed by the general diplomatic assembly which had congregated in Vienna. Never before had so many rulers and principal ministers met to hammer out a comprehensive peace settlement. Those men involved in the Congress of Vienna had a monumental task in front of them: that of piecing Europe together once more and of seeking to establish conditions which would give this work of reconstruction a reasonable chance of survival. The principal figures at Vienna included some of the most remarkable everbrought together under one roof. There was the unstable Tsar Alexander I from Russian, the enigmatic Austrian Metternich, the cool, calm Caslereagh representing Britain, the Frenchman Talleyrand and King Frederick William III and his chancellor, Hardenberg leading the Prussian delegation. All these men wanted what was best for their own country, but they also tried to keep to certain fundamental principles and these determined the overall complexion of the final treaty. In order to prevent another major war, the Vienna peacemakers wished to create a European balance of power, as well as containing the nation regarded as most likely to spark off such a war, France. Another principle, specifically linked to Talleyrand, was that of legitimacy. However, after Talleyrand had ensured the restoration of the Bourbons to France, this principle was on the whole forgotten. Two principles which the delegates at Vienna were strongly criticised for not adhering to more closely were those of liberalism and nationalism, but whether or not these criticisms are entirely justified is an interesting question. We will write a custom essay sample on The Treaty of Vienna 1815 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Treaty of Vienna 1815 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Treaty of Vienna 1815 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The Belgians were one of the first peoples to achieve their liberation from foreigners, only to be placed without their consent, under the rule of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. There was however thought to be no alternative at the time as Belgium was situated perilously close to an aggressive and expansionist France. Independence was by no means a unilateral desire in Belgium itself, and had it not been for the House of Oranges disregard for the terms layed down by the diplomats at Vienna, Belgium might have been content to remain under foreign rule for longer than the fifteen years following the Congress. Nationalist feeling in Germany was slightly stronger than that in Belgium, but the chances of a unified Germany were even more remote than those for an independent Belgium. It is fair to say that the unification of Germany was not in the realm of practical politics in 1815. For the representatives of Austria and Prussia, such a notion would have meant negotiating their countries out of existence, and Talleyrand would have been none too happy at the prospect of a super-power landing on his doorstep. However, what was possible in 1815 was a German Confederation which replaced the Holy Roman Empire and although federalism was accepted as the basis for its organization, the Confederation was, in fact, little more than an alliance of practically sovereign states. The act setting up the Confederation required the rulers of the German states to establish constitutions, a fact which should have pleased the European liberals. The people of the Italian states who wanted a united nation had little reason to be pleased, as Italy was given over more completely to the rule of the foreigner than ever before. It is not too difficult to justify the diplomats at Viennas decision to hand northern Italy over to Austria; after all it was in the Italian campaign that Bonapartism was born and later on, it was in Italy that Napoleon III conducted his only successful European campaign. So, if Italy had been granted independence, it is unlikely that France would have waited too long before taking advantage of the situation. Although a Kingdom of Poland was created at Vienna, it was taken for granted by everyone that this territory would be Russian in all but name. Tsar Alexander wanted to create a client-state which would enable him to extend Russian influence farther into Europe than ever before. Many liberal thinkers throughout the following century felt that the treatment of Poland had been unfair, but at least it saved Alexander the trouble of invading Poland, as he no doubt would have done had not it not been given to him as a satellite state. Again, the peace-makers at Vienna can be defended in their actions concerning the treatment of Norway, where they transfered the Norwegians from Danish to Swedish rule. Norway was allowed her own government, parliament, army and navy and the fact that this settlement endured until 1905 and was then ended peaceably, is sufficient evidence that the Norwegians did not feel too hard done by. Indeed the fact that no country felt too hard done by is probably the reason that the settlement is credited by some for keeping the peace for the next forty years and preventing a major conflict for the following century. The Vienna settlement should not be regarded as having of itself prevented a major war in Europe, rather it contained in none of its provisions the seeds of a future war between the major powers. What did prevent a major war until 1914 was the determination of the great powers that there should not be such a war and the fact that the settlement involved no major injustice to any of them made this task easier. At the time that the treaty was signed, nationalist feelings in Germany and Italy were not all that strong and when these two countries did eventually succumb to the nationalists desires, over fifty years had passed. The diplomats in 1815 would most probably have made a big mistake in granting unification to the German states or the Italian states as at the time no one was ready for such a dramatic step, least of all the men signing the settlement. Perhaps the greatest critiscism it is possible to level at the settlement is that it sought to keep the clock stopped at 1815 for the next half-century, many people have argued that it was just a little too unwilling to accept change. The powers at Vienna did not appear to perceive the strength of the rising force of nationalism and Metternich clearly states his views on change when he declared that democracy could only change daylight into darkest night, and referred to the ideas of the French Revolution as the disease which must be cured.
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