Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Epic of Gilgamesh free essay sample
What is the historical significance of The Epic of Gilgamesh? The historical significance of The Epic of Gilgamesh was being the first masterpiece of World Literature that dated back in 2800 BCE. The Epic of Gilgamesh portrayed the lifestyle, believed, and culture of people lived during that era. The story of Gilgamesh hold tremendous history values since the it was lost in 100 BEC until the British Archeologist found it again in 1840s CE. Rediscovered the tablet of the Gilgamesh allows present day to make connection with the past. What does this story tell us about the human condition? The human condition in that era are consider to be undeveloped and Gilgamesh portrait as a king with power to do whatever he wish until the gods decides to punish him. From that example of the story it tell us that the society follow under one ruler and class between rich and poor are greatly divided. We will write a custom essay sample on The Epic of Gilgamesh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What does this story tell us about the culture that produced it? Base on the story of Gilgamesh, people did not fully understand dead or know how to cope with dead but instead they strongly believe in gods and mythology creatures. I believe that Men and Women are being view as equal and they are fairly open about their sexual lifestyle in the story of Gilgamesh. Men and women share the same level of social status and women play important role during Gilgameshs era which can be seen as Shamhat, a mortal who was sent to by the gods to seduce Enkidu and change him from the beast lifestyle to human lifestyle. Does this epic hold any message for us today? The message in The Epic of Gilgamesh tell us that human in that era staring to realized and question the separation of life and dead. As of today, we are still trying to understand and define whether people life end when they die or there are other world that specify for the dead. This epic also point out that human are design to live in a society, and not meant to be alone. This can be seen as Gilgamesh changed when he met Enkidu, Gilgamesh also learned the important of a friendship, companionship, and lastly learned how to grief a love one when Enkidu died.
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Ecological Disaster of the Aral Sea essays
The Ecological Disaster of the Aral Sea essays As a result of throwing pesticides into the sea, the great catastrophe in the area of the Aral Sea, strongly affected its residents. It is no exaggeration to say that the case of the Aral Sea is one of the greatest environmental catastrophes ever recorded. Unbelievably, the Aral Sea once was one of the biggest in-land seas on earth. Nowadays, however, as it has been covered by loads of pesticides, is now decreasing in area and volume. The shrinkage of the water actually has something to do with the former empire of Russia when Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan once belonged to the Soviet Union. However, the pesticides did not just shrink the water; it affected the human-beings health problems as well. The environment of the country is becoming worse and worse-there is not enough water and living things are dying. A catastrophe is just like this-one disaster leading to another and almost unable to stop. Even though the Aral Sea has received a lot of attention from other parts of the world in the past decade, unfortunately, however, there is not really a way to solve this problem-its rather hard to clean up all the messes and catastrophes that the pesticides had brought to the people. The Aral Sea is located in the lowlands of Turan occupying land in the Republics of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. From ancient times it was known as an oasis. Traders, hunters, fishers, and merchants populated this fertile site littered with lagoons and shallow straits that characterized the Aral landscape. The word Aral in Kazakh is translated island, over a thousand of which were scattered throughout this region that made up part of the Silk Road, the highway between Europe and Asia. Once the fourth largest inland body of water in the world, in the past few years the Aral Sea has gained global attention as one of the greatest man-made natural disasters in the world. Now it is the eighth largest inland body of water on account o...
Friday, November 22, 2019
American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception
S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,†Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. †Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,†We are good people, we are civilized†who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. †Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits †While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. †Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. †Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. †said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,†and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. †Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. †Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id†Baba says,†Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. †Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. †Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen) American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,†Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. †Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,†We are good people, we are civilized†who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. †Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits †While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. †Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. †Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. †said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,†and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. †Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. †Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id†Baba says,†Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. †Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. †Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Organizational research on E-commerce Coursework
Organizational research on E-commerce - Coursework Example After going through the education sector, that has vigorous training from the primary level, secondary and tertiary level we gain skills that lead us to seek a way of earning an income. Most of us fall under the employment sector. Others start their own business. From this business ventures, Organization are formed. The investments call for skilled and semi-skilled employees to run their business objective. (Chava & Nachmais, 2008).Research has been carried out to find out the level of job satisfaction in a given a given organization. The bigger and complex the organization is, it calls to different levels of management. In this organizations highest level of management being the Chief Executive Officer to the most junior staff. At these different levels the employees can be at rewarding and overwhelming positions mostly the managers. This paper will critically evaluate the research done on why the employees feel overwhelmed with work demands, workloads and work related stress. On th e last part of this paper, the paper will focus on where we have adequate staff to perform the job properly which allows the organization to provide top quality of patient care. Problem Statement Employees more often than not feel overwhelmed, and may be required to figure out what might be the underlying issue in their organization of work. Most of the time the situation is not as bad as the employees may think. Perception is a key factor while juggling in between the duties allocated and personal life. Many feel they don’ have enough time for their social life. Those who have families and dependents to look after feel that their jobs are too tying. The key factor is fatigue and balance of the world around any given individual. (Creswell, 2003). When you feel overwhelmed you need to figure out ways to rework your schedules and be in a position to accomplish whatever is required of you and re-energize on the areas that need your attention. Prioritizing on the core duties will ease the tension of feeling overwhelmed. As the current situation is solution sort to cap on this burning issue both in the government sectors and in the private sector. Seeking for help in work place is highly encouraged .employees should never feel ashamed to seek for assistance in their department. This can be practiced by the act of delegating, some of their duties to the skilled employees in their department. By failing to complete certain tasks does not necessarily mean the employee is incompetent, it might be the company has overloaded these employee and would need some assistance to meet the business objective. (Chava & Nachmais, 2008). The company at sometimes put too much on the employees shoulders to carry. Open communication needs to be put in place so that whenever such occurrence in the work place. Time management has been an area of success to those who use this asset well. Employees are overwhelmed because they fail to manage time well. Employees get overwhelmed whe n time catches up with them. Inevitable situations do occur in the work place, with the right priorities such situation is solved in a well speculated manner. Employees should focus on important issues at hand and solve them in good time and eliminating the overwhelming factor in the work place. Use of available technology advancement can ease the overwhelming situation towards the employee. A good example would be like when an employee is on leave or not in a position to access the office for some time, the can set auto reply on their outlook and e-mails to notify the fellow colleagues that this particular person is not available for this certain period of time. Use of blackberry handsets and the internet enabled handset can ease communication and task and these are some of the new technologies that can be used to simplify issues. (Spackman, 2002). Literature Review The major principle for growing the employee awareness is for the team to have a complete overview of what their empl oyer is looking for in the survey. Approximate 60 % will be
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
MGT540 - Management of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
MGT540 - Management of Change - Essay Example Change is an important and vital aspect of almost every company. To exists in the fast moving and ever changing world the companies have to bring change in its operations. For example with the invention of computer and information technology, almost every company has to incorporate the use of information technology to compete in the changing business situations. Change often makes the member of the company to shift from their comfort zone to adopt the change brought in the organization. This often makes the employees to resist the new change. Thus the change brought in the organization has to be managed in a proper way so that the change can be implemented in the organization by dealing with the resistance in a tactical and planned way. In this project the change management done by ICICI bank during 1997 and after the merger of Bank of Madura has been analyzed. Change management theory Change is a constant ingredient of the organization. Every organization passes through two types of change during its life time. One is the continuous change and the second one is the radical change. Continuous change faces very little resistance and is managed by the manager or the supervisors effectively. The major concern for the company is to manage the radical change which faces the maximum resistance. The organizations are quite complex, therefore the organizational problems related to the human factor is also quite difficult to handle. The first thing which the organization faces when any change is brought in the organization is the resistance created by the attitude, personalities and incompetency of the employees. More over if any transfer of power takes place due to the change brought in the organization, can cause the employees to resist the change (Bolman and Deal, 2011, n.d.). Therefore this change has to be managed in a planned way. Every organization has to bring change for some or the other reasons. There are various internal and external reasons which initiate ch ange in an organization like change in market conditions, change in technology, change in type of competition, change in organizational ideas etc (Kanawaty, 1991, p.4). Change in an organization can also be brought in an organization due to some internal factors which are solely related with the organization. These factors can range from change in the organizational strategy or the business to change in managers or change in employees profile or attitude or change in equipments used by the employees. Among all the internal changes, change in business strategy is a reason which gives a major domino effect. If the strategy of a business changes then to implement that strategy many changes has to be brought in the organization which may include change in equipments, change in managers, change in the number of employees or/ and change in profile of the employees. In the early 90s the change which was brought in the ICICI was due to change in strategy. Change in an organization can also be a result due to change in government policies and globalization. Globalization can affect the organization’s policy to a greater extent initiating a major change in the organizational strategies of the business. Suppose an organization has major market share in a country but due to the entrants of the foreign companies in the market the company has to deal and compete with those firms too therefore the company has
Saturday, November 16, 2019
What contribution does Slim make to Of mice an men Essay Example for Free
What contribution does Slim make to Of mice an men Essay For my coursework I am going to analyse the character of Slim and say what contribution he makes in Of Mice and Men. I will describe what he says, what he does, what other people think of him and his relationship with the other ranch hands. We first meet Slim on page fifty five, this is where the lines he moved with a majesty only achieved by royalty and master craftsmen and the prince of the ranch show how highly Slim is regarded by the ranch hands they use words that describe royalty like majesty, master and prince. Slim is not only respected for his skill as a ranch hand as they say he could kill fly on the wheelers butt with a bull whip without touching the mule but he is seen as a man who thinks things through especially before speaking when it says his ear heard more Finally to show how highly he is respected the text says his authority was so great that his word was taken on any subject, be it politics or love. Steinbeck from the start makes Slim above the other men and this is continuous throughout the whole novel till the end of the story. Slim first major contribution is when George confides in him about how him and Lennie travel round together. Slim is clever in the way he brings this topic up as he says funny how you an him string along together. But he says it calmly and invitingly to George, also the tone Slim uses offers confidence to George to talk. There is a line that say Slim neither encouraged nor discouraged him. He just sat back quiet and receptive this shows that Slim is a good listener and does not push people to talk but people after starting a conversation with him start to open up and this is what George does and he has not known Slim long but feels that he can trust Slim and tell him about when he makes Lennie go in the Sacramento river and he gets that off his chest. After being able to confess to Slim about his crime against Lennie George believes that Slim is a good man and trustworthy so he tells him about the situation in Weed and this shows how much integrity Slim has and how he now acquired Georges respect. I feel Slim comforts George when he says he aint mean, I can tell a mean guy a mile off as well as being someone to confess too and talk too. I feel this moves the story forward as we have now filled in gaps out about George and Lennies past and how they met, also how George has learnt of Lennies behaviour and aunt Clara, the bringing together of the two guys You see how Slim is highly respected by the ranch hands when they turn to his decision when Carlson wants to kill Candys old dog. I feel there is pressure put on Slim throughout this scene when both parties of Candy and Carlson turn to him for advice and he has takes time over his decision and thinks it through show that he looks at everyones aspect in depth and decides whats best and this is as reason why ranch hands look too him for advice. I think Slim does not really wanted be involved as it says he seemed to shake himself free for speech. Also during this scene you see how he is admired when the man brings the magazine to share with Slim and it is like he is a little child trying to get Slims friendship but something, which seems treasured within the ranch hands is Slims respect. But Slim is dragged back into the debate of Candys dog right at the end and I feel that Slim has the power over the dogs life but can see why it should be killed as it is getting old and is quality of life is low but he wants the killing to be done properly and that is why he tells Carlson to take a shovel. I feel that when Slim says loudly one of my lead mules got a bad hoof. Got to get some tar off it he is trying to break the silence and say that life still goes on after death. I feel Slim shows the ranch hands that they should stand up to people when he is arguing with Curley and outwits him, but his respect is emphasised by the fact that Curley can not really answer back and he is in a higher position on the ranch, and you are told of Curleys violent nature and not once does he even physically threaten Slim, showing his importance on the ranch. We see in this scene how Slim and Curley are two different people respected for different reasons, Slim is highly respected for sure as this scene shows but Curley is not really respected but feared as he likes to attack and bully the other workers. When Curley starts to beat lennie you are asked the question why does not Slim intervene in the situation but I feel this contribute to the Of Mice and Men it could be that he underestimates Lennies true strength but we will never know. I feel Slim uses his power to his advantage when he tells Curley to say that his hand got caught in a machine, he shows kindness to George and Lennie and true understanding of Lennies condition being physical and mental as he has been informed by George when he confides in him and his strength when he is moving the big bags of hay on the ranch. I feel that you see the strength of Slims character when Curleys wife has died. When he inspects Curleys wife he does it with such softness and grace and shows respect for the dead, but he also understands there is no intention by lennie and the situation he will be in if Curley catches him and this is why he tries to stop Curley from going on the hunt for Lennie when he says I think you better stay here with your wife to Curley. Slim is the only ranch hand that understands the relationship between Lennie and George and so when George kills Lennie Slim is the only one who understands and that is why he tells him a guy got to sometimes and you hadda, George. I swear you hadda. And by taking him to the pub for a drink is his way of comforting but you know Slims understanding goes much deeper than the Carlson and Curley when the last comment is made of the book. I conclude that Slim is a vital person in the book and is the only character apart from George who understands friendship and has a full set of morals. Slim has so much respect it is like a power and he uses this to exercise morals on the ranch hands. He is like the god of the story and is kind of too good to be true and John Steinbecks description makes him ideal. The is one word that can sum up what everyone in the text thinks of him and that is respect and you wish that more ranch hands were like him. Throughout the whole of the story most ranch hands seem lonely but Slim never seems too I feel he has come to terms with the depression and accepts what seems to be the inevitable life of a migrant worker and that is too be alone but sees hope in George and Lennie. Also without a character like Slim, Curley would bully the ranch hands and he is so violent you are not sure what the story would be like without him.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :: English Literature
Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I have been reading the book Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The book was written by Robert Louis Stevens on during in the 19th century. This book was written during a time where Victorian society had a lot of strong moral values. These codes were very strict and controlled every aspect of the Victorian lifestyle. People in these times believed to settle things verbally rather than aggression so fighting was looked down upon. People looked upon this kind of behavior as a sin and of course they looked down upon sins as well. The upper class Victorian society believed that everyone kept to this moral code that they had. People in this time believed that people with very high status were very moral and did not cause any sins. However, this book was also written during a time where there was a lot of hypocrisy around and people. The underbelly of this society showed what Victorian society was really like. Though it's polite and well-groomed exterior, we find people committing sins and going against the moral codes. These sins were however well hidden from the society and although they acknowledged some of the 'evil' that was happening, they still just shrugged it off saying that only the people committing 'evil' were the 'sick individuals'. The 'sick individuals' also seemed to belong to the lower class society. Victorian people were very physiognomous as they judged people by their physicality and the word 'sick' seemed to describe the lower class society very well according to Victorian times. We know now that it wasn't just the lower class individuals committing sins, but they weren't individuals either. Robert Luis Stevenson explorers this very well and shows that the upper class can be evil too. Stevenson used 'Hyde very well to hide Dr Jekyll's evil side well. Even the name is ironic. The upper class society had seemed to 'Hyde' all this very well. They kept their upper society life 'clean' but they had another side that committed sins. That is what 'Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' is all about. The author (Stevenson) had based this book on people in this era. He believed in the duality of man, which meant that every person had two sides to their personality. He believed that one side of a person would be nice and colorful whereas the other would be rude and dark. Stevenson who was brought up in upper class society, was fascinated with lower class society. With this, he seemed to become angry at what Victorian society was like and this is echoed in Jekyll. The book 'Frankenstein' heavily influenced Stevenson heavily as the
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mannerism vs Classicism
During the sixteenth century a style of art was developed almost by accident. It was developed mainly in Italy, in the city of Florence. It was different than all the other styles, and this intrigued many. It had not had a real name until about 1921, it was called Mannerism. Mannerism is the best art form that came out of the Renaissance. During the sixteenth century while the High Renaissance was evolving two definite styles of artwork developed. The first, which was Mannerism and is also sometimes called anti-classical style, and the second was Classicism, also known as anti-mannerism. This is some sort of hint that the two were almost opposites. 1 One response that was provoked by the upheavals of the sixteenth century was the attempt to escape reality, an effort that was echoed by some of the painters of the age, known as Mannerists. The Mannerists and their patrons cultivated artificial and esoteric images of the world; they undermined perspective, distorted human figures, and devised unnatural colors and lighting to create startling effects. 2 Mannerism broke all of the unwritten rules of painting. It created darker paintings and showed more emotion. Mannerism can be quite easily recognized. Art was no longer boring, it was more creative; this is not to say that art before then was not creative. The artists mixed colors, creating new shades. Classicism however was almost totally different. Classicism, attempted to recapture the aesthetic values and the strict forms that had been favored in ancient Greece and Rome. Classicism aimed for grandiose effects, through restraint and discipline within a formal structure. 3 A classicist painter was restricted in the ways that he painted. There were unwritten and written codes on how to paint in the classic style. There was not as much creativity in the painting. The classicist painters used traditional shades and lighting effects, while mannerists experimented with them. Mannerism tore away from the traditional bounds that held the rest of the art world in. Mannerism produced many new ways of painting. Mannerism breaks apart from the formal principles established during this period. Michael Angelo, with his tormented figures, seems to have shown the road. Symmetry disappears in favor of diagonal compositions; balance and measure give room to movement and expression. The games played by light and shadow become as dramatic as the faces. 4 Many new shades of color and lighting effects were developed and this helped to set the mood that the artist wanted you to feel. They began to use acidic colors and painted new scenes not seen before. This got the people interested. They had seen the scenes that the classicist painters were painting, and that got boring. It s the same with things now. People always want the new, and not the old. The Mannerist artist has the right or duty to employ any possible method of observation. Thus, creating new and exciting paintings. Some of the best painters of all time came out of the Mannerist style. If one removes from an account of sixteenth century art in Rome Raphael and all Michealangelo s works then little is left. Only Sebastiano del Piombo and Giulio Romano remain as major painters. 6 Although these are the major painters of the Mannerist style, there were others, such as, Vasari, Ammanati, and Salviati. Mannerism was first definable by Raphael s pupil Giulio Romano. 7 Mannerism as a style had many influences in later art, such as with baroque. Baroque tried to do the same as the Mannerist style, only on a more grandeur scale. 8 Caravaggio who grew up in Rome around the evolving styles of art, mannerism influenced him the greatest. One of his greatest paintings, The Supper at Emmaus, is a great example of how mannerism was blended into a painting, although it cannot be placed under the same category. Mannerism doesn t only produce brilliant and rebel artists, it also produces schools which imitate it. 9 This sparked a whole new movement in art because individual artists shape their own styles, developing new ones, which people imitate and so on. Also, it wasn t just a period of art like classicism, people later in history painted in this style. Painting was not the only form of art that mannerism was used for. Architecture was also a form of art that was widely used in Europe. The Sistine Chapel is perhaps one of the greatest examples of mannerism used in architecture. The handling of decoration and space seen in Michealangelo s plans for the Laurentian Library is also Mannerist. 10 Mannerism used in architecture however was mainly used in the northern parts of Europe, but the most famous are in Italy. The architecture of the Classicism movement was all straightforward and Gothic-like. The mannerists found new ways to design manneristic architecture. The figures of the rhythmic anti-classical painter and or architect function otherwise, for in themselves they express neither an established rule of nature, nor any unambiguous rationally understood space. In a word, for them the problem of three-dimensional space vanishes, or can do so. 11 The Classical painter or architect would stay with many two dimensional figures and not let the building give a true three-dimensional look and feel, mannerists did this. In conclusion, Mannerism is definitely the best art style that came out of the Renaissance period. Not only did it find new and exciting ways to paint and sculpt, but also new ways to build buildings. Some of the greatest artists of all time were mannerists. The mannerist style influenced many painters and architects of later time. Mannerism, unlike other art styles was not so much a rebellion against older styles as a deliberate cultivation. 12 Therefore mannerism is the best art form that was developed during the renaissance.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Enuma Elish vs. Genesis Essay
As a whole, the creation myth of Enuma Elish is quite different from the other myths in the Primal Myths book. The story of Genesis is an exception however, where there are more similarities than differences. The creation stories of Genesis and Enuma Elish have a similar framework, but do vary in several ways. This essay aims to compare and contract these two creation myths while looking for common themes and possible cultural connections. Enuma Elish contains several gods who played a distinct role in the creation, most importantly Apsu and Tiamat. After Apsu and Tiamat, the other gods are created, and reside in the body of Tiamat. Enuma Elish is a story of how the gods interact and go through a dramatic power struggle. The world is created as a result of the gods’ actions and decisions. In a similar way, but with notable differences, Genesis consists of just one god who simplistically creates the world, with no drama or power struggles. In Genesis, â€Å"God†decides to make the world, and in seven â€Å"days†(sometimes known as long periods of time) creates all that we know of, with great emphasis on man. Enuma Elish also places great importance onto man, and for a similar reason. The Enuma Elish story ends with the creation of man to do the physical work instead of the gods, a prime example being the construction of Babylon. Genesis does not describe the purpose of man in an indentured sense but instead says that it is for man to â€Å"be fruitful and multiply†¦have dominion†¦over every living thing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Sproul, 124). â€Å"God†also rested on the seventh day, the day after he created man. Most similar are the physical creations in both myths. Both are kindled through the medium of â€Å"divine speech†, or the language of the gods. Each day and each generation are linked together if closely examined. In Enuma Elish, we have the six generations of Tiamat and Apsu, Lahamu, Kishar, Anu, Ea, and Marduk, respectively. In the story of Genesis, we have the six main days of creation, and both stories have the time of rest (or seventh day). In the initial st ate of the creation stories, we have a time when earth was void, or as some prefer to call it, chaos. Simply, a lack of order enclosed by darkness, as shown by â€Å"When there was no heaven,/no earth, no height, no depth, no name,/when Apsu was alone†(92) and â€Å"The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (123). The first two developments in both stories included light, followed by the creation of the firmament, â€Å"the lines of sky and earth/stretched where horizons meet to separate/cloud from silt†(92). In the third development, dry land was fabricated, then the skies were developed â€Å"He projected positions†¦in the sky, he gave them a starry aspect as constellations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (102), and in the sixth development, men and women were created. As a finishing touch, Genesis reads â€Å"†¦God rested from all his work which he had done in creation.†(125) and in Enuma Elish, â€Å"When all the gods sat down together there was wine and feasting and laughter†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (106). If one studies the background behind The Bible, one would know that the Babylonians held the Jewish people in exile. One might conclude that the story of Genesis might be a derivative of the Babylonian story Enuma Elish via cultural influences. In addition, Enuma Elish is dated to be older than the story of Genesis, leaving this theory as a sound possibility. In a Christian dominated world, many would deny the fact that the story of Genesis is unoriginal, because of the possibility that accepting a story as unoriginal would make it inferior; thus leading many skeptics to further question the validity of Judaist teachings. In conclusion, Enuma Elish and Genesis have a distinctly akin nature, with the possibility of mutual cultural influences. Through deep auditing, the two creation myths are found to be comparable in many respects. Each goes through equivalent developments, but not without important differences. From here, we leave it to future archeological discoveries to uncover the truth of these stories and their origins.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Brief History of Transportation
The Brief History of Transportation Whether on land or at sea, humans early on successfully sought to go forth more efficiently by taking advantage of transport systems mother nature already had in place. The earliest examples of such resourcefulness are boats. Those who colonized Australia roughly 60,000 to 40,000 years ago have been credited as the first people to cross the sea, though there is some evidence that early man carried out seafaring trips as far back as 900,000 years ago. Early Boats and Horses In any case, the earliest known boats were simple logboats, also referred to as dugouts. Evidence for these floating vehicles come from excavations of artifacts that date back to around 7,000 to 10,000 years ago. The Pesse canoe is the oldest boat unearthed and dates as far back as 7600 BCE. Rafts have been around nearly as long, with artifacts showing them in use for at least 8,000 years.  Next, came horses. While it’s difficult to pinpoint when humans first began domesticating them as a means of getting around or to transport goods, experts generally go by the emergence of certain biological and cultural markers that indicate when such practices started to take place. Based on changes in teeth records, butchering activities, shifts in settlement patterns, historic depictions and many other factors, experts believe that domestication took place around 4000 BCE. Roughly around that period, someone invented the wheel finally. The archaeological record shows that the first wheeled vehicles were in use around 3500 BC, with evidence of the existence of such contraptions found in Mesopotamia, the Northern Caucuses and Central Europe. The earliest well-dated artifact from that time period is the Bronocice pot, a ceramic vase that depicts a four-wheeled wagon that featured two axles. It was unearthed in southern Poland. Steam Machines: Steamboats, Automobiles, and Locomotives The Watt steam engine, invented in 1769, changed everything. Boats were among the first to take advantage of steam-generated power. In 1783, a French inventor by the name of Claude de Jouffroy built the Pyroscaphe, the world’s first steamship. But despite successfully making trips up and down the river and carrying passengers as part of a demonstration, there wasn’t enough interest to fund further development. While other inventors tried to make steamships that were practical enough for mass transport, it was American Robert Fulton who furthered the technology to where it was commercially viable. In 1807, the Clermont completed a 150-mile trip from New York City to Albany that took 32 hours, with the average speed clocking in at about five miles per hour. Within a few years, Fulton and company would offer regular and freight service between New Orleans, Louisiana, and Natchez, Mississippi. In 1769, another Frenchman named Nicolas Joseph Cugnot attempted to adapt steam engine technology to a road vehicle and the result was the invention of the first automobile. The heavy engine added so much weight to the vehicle that it was ultimately too impractical for something that had a top speed of two and  ½ miles an hour. Another effort to repurpose the steam engine for a different means of personal transport resulted in the Roper Steam Velocipede. Developed in 1867, the two-wheeled steam-powered bicycle is considered by many historians to be the world’s first motorcycle. It wasn’t until 1858 that Jean Joseph Étienne Lenoir of Belgium invented the internal combustion engine. Even though his subsequent invention, the first gasoline-powered automobile, technically did work, credit for the first â€Å"practical†gasoline-powered car goes to Karl Benz for the patent he filed in 1886. Still, up until the 20th century, cars were not a widely adopted means of transport. One mode of land transport powered by a steam engine that did go mainstream is the locomotive. In 1801, British inventor Richard Trevithick unveiled the world’s first road locomotive, called the â€Å"Puffing Devil,†and used it to give six passengers a ride to a nearby village. It was in 1804 though that Trevithick demonstrated for the first time a locomotive that ran on rails when another one he built hauled 10 tons of iron to the community of Penydarren in Wales to a small village called Abercynon. It took another fellow Brit, a civil and mechanical engineer named George Stephenson, to turn locomotives into a form of mass transport. In 1812, Matthew Murray of Holbeck had designed and built the first commercially successful steam locomotive â€Å"The Salamanca†and Stephenson wanted to take the technology a step further. So in 1814, Stephenson designed the Blà ¼cher, an eight wagon locomotive capable of hauling 30 tons of coal uphill at a speed of four miles per hour. By 1824, Stephenson improved the efficiency on his locomotive designs to where he was commissioned by the Stockton and Darlington Railway to build the first steam locomotive to carry passengers on a public rail line, the aptly named Locomotion No. 1. Six years later, he opened the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, the first public inter-city railway line serviced by steam locomotives. His notable accomplishments also include establishing the standard for rail spacing for most of the railways in use today. No wonder he’s been hailed as Father of Railways. Modern Machines: submarines, aircraft, and spacecraft Technically speaking, the first navigable submarine was invented in 1620 by Dutchman Cornelis Drebbel. Built for the English Royal Navy, Drebbel’s submarine could stay submerged for up to three hours and was propelled by oars. However, the submarine was never used in combat and it wasn’t until toward the turn of the 20th century that designs leading to practical and widely-used submersible vehicles were realized. Along the way, there were important milestones such as the launching of the hand-powered, egg-shaped Turtle in 1776, the first military submarine used in combat as well as the launching of the French Navy submarine Plongeur, the first mechanically powered submarine. Finally, in 1888, the Spanish navy launched the Peral submarine, the first electric battery-powered submarine, which also so happened to be the first fully capable military submarine. Built by Spanish engineer and sailor named Isaac Peral, it was equipped with a torpedo tube, two torpedoes, an air regeneration system, the first fully reliable underwater navigation system and posted an underwater speed of 3.5 mph. The start of the twentieth century was truly the dawn of a new era as two American brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright, pulled off the first official powered flight in 1903. In essence, they had invented the world’s first airplane. Transport via aircraft took off from there with airplanes being put into service within a few short years during World War I. In 1919, British aviators John Alcock and Arthur Brown completed the first transatlantic flight, crossing from Canada to Ireland. The same year, passengers were able to fly internationally for the first time. Around the same time that the Wright brothers were taking flight, French inventor Paul Cornu started developing a rotorcraft. And on November 13, 1907, his Cornu helicopter, made of little more than some tubing, an engine, and rotary wings, achieved a lift height of about one foot while staying airborne for about 20 seconds. With that, Cornu would lay claim to having piloted the first helicopter flight. It didn’t take long after air travel took off for humans to start seriously considering the possibility of going further up and toward the heavens. The Soviet Union surprised much of the western world in 1957 with its successful launch of sputnik, the first satellite to reach outer space. Four years later, the Russians followed that up by sending the first human, pilot Yuri Gagaran, into outer space aboard the Vostok 1. The achievements would spark a â€Å"space race†between the Soviet Union and the United States that culminated in the Americans taking what’s perhaps the biggest victory lap among national rivals. On July 20, 1969, the Lunar module of the Apollo spacecraft, carrying astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, touched down on the surface of the moon. The event, which was broadcast on live TV to the rest of the world, allowed millions to witness the moment Armstrong became the first man to ever step foot on the moon, a moment he heralded as â€Å"one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.â€
Monday, November 4, 2019
How can rio olympics accomodations(hotels, and so on) be reused Research Proposal
How can rio olympics accomodations(hotels, and so on) be reused - Research Proposal Example One of them will surely be the quality and quantity of accommodations. Based on the experiences when London hosted the latest Olympics in 2012, it became clear that an appropriate accommodation is a vital part of the successful international event. For example, there was a remarkable shortage of rooms, which led to unreasonably expensive room prices that surprised and eventually turned off many foreign visitors. To prevent these types of problems from happening again in 2016, an adequate number of rooms should be ready by the beginning of the event. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recommended at least 40,000 hotel beds with three stars or more, while Rio de Janeiro, the host city, currently has only over 26,000. To fill the gap by the beginning of the games, construction should begin no later than the end of 2013. According to the report prepared by the hosting situation Municipal Planning Department, there are currently 9116 rooms under construction and 8693 unde rgoing analysis or consultation. Another concern is how to maintain the occupancy rate of accommodations after the Olympic games are done. The surplus of the rooms will lead to lower prices and eventually put pressure on the local economy of the post-Olympic Rio de Janeiro. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a research to find the equilibrium number of rooms to be additionally constructed, and what governmental actions should be taken to cope with the possible room surplus after the Olympic event. In order for this to be properly done, the data of the regular occupancy rate in Rio de Janeiro should be collected and a prediction on how it will be changed based on the new number of rooms should be made. The equilibrium number will be that is sufficient to accommodate all the delegations, athletes, journalists, and employees of companies linked to the event, but not too huge so the surplus is minimized when the city is back to normal status. An idea is that the newly built hote ls will be used more like apartments after the Olympic Games. That will require both constructional consideration and a more flexible licensing process on the part of the government. Tasks This study has two fundamental objectives, which are: 1) to determine the appropriate number of facilities to be constructed for accommodation; and, 2) to identify such facilities’ utility when the sporting event is over. For these purposes, the research is proposed to undertake a comprehensive comparative review of previous literature and documents. The aim is to determine a theoretical framework that would finally identify important evidences that will support successes and failures in the issue being investigated. For example, why were the facilities in the Beijing Olympics and the Athens Olympics before it, were left to rot or were never effectively reused? Or, what are the differences in such failures or successes? The theoretical framework that will be developed should be able to not only provide background information to augment the discussion and analysis sections of this study but also yield credible evidences and experiences that the Rio Olympics in 2016 could learn from. This research activity can also take the form of a documentary analysis
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Why is it beneficial to have both IT & Management skills together Essay
Why is it beneficial to have both IT & Management skills together - Essay Example Technology is evolving constantly with new applications to simplify how business is done. Management skills on the other hand enable a high level trend of correspondence in business impact. With the revolution of web 2.0, management training becomes a useful tool in doing online business through blogs, RSS feed as well as in the internet and communication with the proper and serious clients. Technology skills have significant impact on business in the coming years in that business strategies are easily achieved. Post & Anderson, (2006) asserts that, managers with technology skills are able to determine new technological impacts and how they can be adopted in the progress of business. It is upon the managers to become more proactive by keeping a breast of emerging trends and understanding the evasion of web 2.0 changes in the world of business models and their applications in business perspectives. Management skills combined with information technology skills enables these managerial groups to focus on what ways promising technologies impinge on business at the high level. The knowledge makes business conscious and informed in decision making on what aspects of new technologies will influence the organization in the coming year of business growth and hence provides a healthier transition of thought into strategic action to be taken and how they can be implemented within the organization or business world. According to Cather, Morris,& Wilkinson, (2001), combining the IT skills with management skills, therefore have enormous gait that help an organization or business to improve its strategies and also gives the management higher level of information to bring effectiveness of the services and products of the organization. This will also reduce time taken to adopt new business strategies based on emerging trends of technologies due to the organizational or business disinterest and lag that keeps on changing the
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