Sunday, February 16, 2020
Self-build Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words
Self-build - Dissertation Example Findings revealed that the self-builders are satisfied with most of their projects’ aspects and all share a desire to promote self-building to other families. However, self-builders find the planning and permission gathering process tedious and tend to consume much of their time, money, and energy. Therefore, policy reforms regarding planning and permissions are suggested to alleviate the hardships that self-builders face even at the early stages of the project. Most importantly, the study revealed that planning is a significant component of self-building which primarily influences cost and build time. Self-builders should therefore, take it incumbent upon themselves to put the same effort to planning as they would the actual building. Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 Table of Contents 2 List of Figures 3 Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION 4 Chapter 2 – EVALUATION OF SELF-BUILD CONSTRUCTION METHODS 7 Chapter 3 – REVIEW OF THE PROCESS OF SELF BUILDING 14 Looking / Finding Land 15 Financing the Self-Build Project 15 Designing the Self-Build Project 16 Planning the Self-Build Project 16 Choosing the Building System 17 Project Management 19 Compliance with Building Regulations 20 Building Contract 22 Compliance to Health and Safety 23 Materials and Scheduling 23 Chapter 4 – ANALYSIS OF THE PILOT STUDY DATA 26 Chapter 5 – CONCLUSION 43 REFERENCES 45 Appendix 1 – SURVEY INSTRUMENT 48 List of Figures Figure 1: Greatest Motivation to Self-Build 27 Figure 2: How Land was Availed of for the Self-Build Project 28 Figure 3: Factors which Facilitated Availment of Land for Self-Build Project 29 Figure 4: Early Problems Encountered in Self-Build 30 Figure 5: Type of Land / Plot Purchased or Used 31 Figure 6: Mortgage Type Availed 32 Figure 7: Build System Used 33 Figure 8: Total Floor Area 34 Figure 9: Status of Self-Build Home 35 Figure 10: Self-Build Project Budget 36 Figure 11: Percent of Budget Covered by Loan 37 Figure 12: Pers on Who Handled the Self-Build Project 38 Figure 13: Build Time 39 Figure 14: Level of Satisfaction on the Outcome of the Self-Build Project 40 Figure 15: Suggested Self-Build Reforms 41 Chapter 1 – INTRODUCTION The construction industry in the United Kingdom provides employment to about 2.4 million people. The sector contributed 8 per cent to the UK Gross Domestic Product. The construction sector also supports all other industries and government services in the UK in terms of their dominant role in the establishment of buildings and infrastructure. This may yet be a signal that as of 2010, the construction sector is springing back up from the slump in 2009 precipitated by the deepening recession (The Construction Industry Training Board, 2010). A review of the construction output reported by Office for National Statistics (2011), however, revealed that total output from the sector dropped by 18.3 per cent in February of this year, from last quarter figures. New work output de creased by 19.1 per cent, while repair and maintenance plummeted by 16.8 per cent. The largest decrease in construction output was in new work for private housing at 23.3 per cent. This documented decline may well be a consequence of the problem of housing affordability which Riley (2005) forecasted to be getting worse in the coming years. The government lost no time in implementing interventions to ease out
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Research proposal Assignment & Resarch Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Assignment & Resarch Essay - Research Proposal Example Captain Cook was eager to trade with the people of Nuu-chah-nulth. Word went out of his trade with the people of Nuu-chah-nulth and the profits that he made from the trade. As a result many European settlers moved to the Island bringing with them smallpox and other diseases that killed the Aboriginals; the indigenous people of the Island (Carty, 381). After the infestation and the effects of smallpox, the Island was not as busy in the beginning of the 19th century. However, there were still activities that shaped the present day British Columbia. Before the turn of the century, many Europeans settled in the Island. The Spanish considered the Island to be under its territory because of its explorations in the region in the 16th century. When the Spanish heard of the arrival of the British into the Island, they took their ships creating the Nootka crisis; a crisis that almost led to war between Spain and Britain. After the crisis, the Spanish left Nootka Sound settlement. The influence of the Spanish in the Island came to an end in 1795 after the Nootka Convention. After the Spanish, left British Columbia European explorer merchants begun to get interested in the Island. Most of these merchants were British explorers and traders. Some of the notable people during this period were Simon Fraser, David Thompson and Sir Alexander Macke nzie (Recksten, 280). The three Britons were employees of Northwest Company and were looking for a river route to the pacific. If found, this route was supposed to help their company expand its fur trade. The first to arrive was Mackenzie followed by Fraser; they were both unable to find routes that were fit for trade. It was David Thomson who finally found a route to the Pacific that would be appropriate for trade. During this period, explorers used to lay claim to trade routes that they had discovered. Despite having worked hard to find the route, David Thompson could not lay claim
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